Smart Academy

Bridging the Digital Gap

About Smart Academy

Smart Academy is the ICT Authority’s Excellent Training School specializing in ICT and ICT Leadership and Governance training. Delivers ICT technologies training to Public sector, ICT Professional’s and Citizens in collaboration with ICT Technology partners and Academia. Equip Citizens with Digital Skills and digital career with Industry-relevant tech skills.
Smart Academy is working to support Kenya’s vision to become a Smart Nation by 2030. As the world’s economy is aggressively shifting towards technology-driven industries, individuals and citizens have difficulties keeping up with speed in ICT skills requirement, and this is where Smart Academy comes in to collaborate with Tech partners to offer the right skills set for Citizens to adopt with the dynamic Digital Ecosystem.

Digital skills has become increasingly important in today’s world, and Kenya is no exception. In a rapidly changing digital landscape, having the right digital skills can help citizens and public servants in Kenya to stay competitive, productive, and connected. For citizens, digital skills are essential for participating in the digital economy, accessing online services, and staying informed in the digital age. This includes skills such as basic computer literacy, digital communication, online safety and security, and e-commerce skills.
For public servants, digital skills are critical for providing efficient and effective services to citizens. This includes skills such as data analysis, project management, information security, and social media management.

Collaboration: Get a pool of ICT Partners training offerings in a single window for your skills development. Smart Academy is where you come to learn in-demand tech skills that will help you land the jobs and business you want.

eLearning Portal

The Government eLearning Platform is a digital learning platform for government officials, and all citizens in the republic of Kenya. The portal facilitates continuous learning on ICT for the public sector workforce to enhance their competencies for the digital transformation and emerging ICT trends that impacts on service delivery. The portal also provides ICT courses that prepare citizens with digital skills required to operate in a digital Economy. The eLearning Portal empowers you to enroll and benefit from an array of ICT courses that the Government offers through ICT Authority and partners. Whether you are interested in ICT professional qualifications, skills improvement and development, our eLearning portal is on a mission to empower you with access to state-of-the-art online and physical onsite courses. The courses are offered both virtually for self-study anytime, anywhere! and onsite physical and are either free or commercialized through the Authorities Partners (Academia and Private sector organizations). Partners can offer a range of courses within their specialist and offer certifications. To access our existing and future courses, register to become part of our ever-growing community.

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